
About me

If you are what you eat, I would be one big blob of Doritos and Mountain Dew. I'd be a sickly lime green color, and have the consistency of half-chewed potato and cheese. I'd slide around town, leaving behind a trail of glutinous slime which would entrap any unsuspecting man who stepped in it for years to come. I'd glow in the dark. Within months I'd be 50 feet tall and get a chance to star in my own "The blob that ate everything" movie.

I mean. Haha just kidding. LOL. I don't really look like that and you should read my blog because I'm totally really pretty.

Thats what I look like. Really. Really! Haha. And isn't it amusing how I possess more than a passing resemblance to Halle Berry? Its a funny coincidence. My mom says the same thing. The mask was a gift from the A.S.L.W.I.N.M.C.S (American Sexy Leather Which Is Not Made From Cows Society) - I am a loyal customer. I can get you discounts and stuff if you read my blog.